Consumer products
meyer.science GmbH assists you on all issues concerning consumer products.
Food contact materials are one of the focal areas at meyer.science GmbH. We provide comprehensive advice on the interpretation and implementation of regulations concerning the requirements for specific materials such as plastics (including recycled plastics), ceramics and active and intelligent materials, which are legally harmonized at EU level under the framework of Regulation No. 1935/2004 (on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food; also taking into consideration Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) according to Regulation 2023/2006.)
For materials not harmonized at EU level (such as paper/cardboard, adhesives, ion exchangers, metals/alloys etc) we clarify the applicability of recommendations (German Institute for Risk Assessment, European Commission, associations) and guidelines (e.g. EDQM Guide “Metals and alloys used in food contact materials and articles”).
We also assist you in drawing up declarations of conformity or in verifying corresponding declarations provided by your competitors.
We also provide advice relating to consumer products from the area of non-foods, e.g. compliance with safety requirements for toys and garment safety as well as other consumer products that come into contact with the human body.
Issues concerning migration tests and the interpretation of chemical analysis data are clarified by meyer.science in cooperation with renowned laboratories.
The potential migration of substances is of considerable relevance where consumer products are examined. A well-known example currently in the focus of attention is the migration of melamine and formaldehyde from bamboo tableware. Further examples of undesired migration from food packaging are mineral oils, printing inks, primary aromatic amines, plasticizers and heavy metals. In relation to toys and textiles, chromium VI is of relevance.
At your request we conduct an in-depth risk assessment for substances migrating from consumer products of all kinds. Based on our knowledge with regard to the effects and risks of substances linked with knowledge concerning the legal framework conditions gained through our cooperation with the law firm meyer.rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH we can provide risk assessment and risk management from one common source.